Failure analysis or investigation is the process of collecting and analysing facts or data to determine the root cause of a failure.
This involves collecting data about operating conditions, visual examination of the failed product or component, fractography, non-destructive testing, evaluation of mechanical and chemical properties, metallography-microscopy, spectroscopy, analysis of the facts and findings, root cause conclusion and recommendations to prevent the failure from recurring. This process is very vital for heavy industries to prevent failure of affordable and unaffordable components which can cost loss of production in thousands and millions of dollars or injuring person or community.
The process of identifying the root cause and implementing preventive actions reduces the risk of injuries, reduces the downtime and increases productivity in the mining industries, offshore and shipping industry and heavy engineering industries.
Most of the quality endorsed organisations and insurance companies ensures that failure investigations are performed to reduce the risk of failure in future.
LMATS Melbourne & Sydney laboratories comprises a team of Metallurgist, Engineers, Scientist, Engineering Technologist and Non-destructive testing Technologist.
The combination of these professionals from different speciality ensures that the most probable root cause is concluded and the best preventive measures are recommended.
Failure Analysis or Investigation
LMATS Services
LMATS provide advanced testing and inspection services in Melbourne Victoria, Sydney - NSW and Brisbane Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia in the following Sectors:
Advanced NDT - ECA Eddy Current Array test
Advanced NDT - PAUT Phased Array Ultrasonic test
Advanced NDT - TOFD Time of Flight Diffraction
Advanced NDT - CRT Computed Radiographic testing
NDT - Non-destructive testing - RT, UT, ET, MT, PT
Coatings Inspection - NACE
Pressure vessel Inspection AICIP & Conformity
Chemical analysis (Spark Spectroscopy)
Third party Inspection & expert Witness
Quality Audit & NDT Level 3 services
Hydrostatic pressure test
PMI - Positive Material Identification (XRF).
Weld (WPS / WPQR) qualification test
Mechanical testing (engineering)
Corrosion Resistance Test
Metallurgical services
Failure investigation
Concrete testing - GPR, thickness, strength.
Advanced NDT Capabilities
Guided Wave LRUT, PEC (Pulsed Eddy current), ECA (Eddy Current Array), ACFM, ACPD, PAUT, Hydroform, TOFD, CRT, Heat exchanger tube testing - IRIS, RFT, NFT, NFA (Near Field Array), MFL tank floor, SteerRover.
LMATS has a wide range of innovative advanced NDT capabilities. Call us on 1300 707 365 to find out more, or explore LMATS Advanced NDT Solutions.