LMATS Offices - Laboratories - Workshops.
Servicing clients in these locations world wide.
Contact LMATS by phone
Australiawide: 1300 707 365
International calls
Phone: +61 3 9399 9199
LMATS Services
LMATS provide advanced testing and inspection services in Melbourne Victoria, Sydney - NSW and Brisbane Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia in the following Sectors:
Advanced NDT - ECA Eddy Current Array test
Advanced NDT - PAUT Phased Array Ultrasonic test
Advanced NDT - TOFD Time of Flight Diffraction
Advanced NDT - CRT Computed Radiographic testing
NDT - Non-destructive testing - RT, UT, ET, MT, PT
Coatings Inspection - NACE
Pressure vessel Inspection AICIP & Conformity
Chemical analysis (Spark Spectroscopy)
Third party Inspection & expert Witness
Quality Audit & NDT Level 3 services
Hydrostatic pressure test
PMI - Positive Material Identification (XRF).
Weld (WPS / WPQR) qualification test
Mechanical testing (engineering)
Corrosion Resistance Test
Metallurgical services
Failure investigation
Concrete testing - GPR, thickness, strength.
Advanced NDT Capabilities
Guided Wave LRUT, PEC (Pulsed Eddy current), ECA (Eddy Current Array), ACFM, ACPD, PAUT, Hydroform, TOFD, CRT, Heat exchanger tube testing - IRIS, RFT, NFT, NFA (Near Field Array), MFL tank floor, SteerRover.
LMATS has a wide range of innovative advanced NDT capabilities. Call us on 1300 707 365 to find out more, or explore LMATS Advanced NDT Solutions.