Third Party Inspection , Supplier Audits And Vendor Management

LMATS  provides Third Party inspection and Client representation services. We have experienced  Engineers, Metallurgist, NDT Level 3 specialists, Mechanical & Pressure Testing experts, AICIP / API Inspectors, Welding Inspectors, NACE / CSWIP BGAS Inspectors and NDT Personnel. LMATS is accredited in accordance with ISO 17020 and ISO 17025 for a range of services. 

Engineering Inspections are performed on various engineering structures, assemblies and products for condition monitoring, to supply condition report to the insurance companies and to comply with the regulatory requirements.

We offer third-party inspection services to meet statutory compliance requirements, either as planned or emergency works.

We assess business processes and products to internationally recognised standards, codes, design specifications and project specific requirements. Our source inspection services at supplier and vendor sites for manufacturers can verify whether the equipment or goods are manufactured in accordance with the requirements.

Some elements of third party inspection are :

  • Product Certification
  • Third party inspection of Pressure Equipment meeting your Statutory compliance
  • Third party inspection of MDR & Conformity assessment for Pressure vessels
  • Review of material test reports
  • Witnessing mechanical tests, factory acceptance tests and hydrostatic and performance tests
  • Third party Witnessing welder's performance qualifications,
  • Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) & Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) as per the client requirements
  • Witnessing NDE ( Non Distructive Examination ) and performing visual examinations
  • Instrument calibration
  • Inspection of coatings
  • Third party Asset Owner's Representation Services  to Asia Pacific and World wide services provided
  • Material verification
  • Third party Assurance of Product quality

LMATS  provide above services to a wider industries including pipeline, pressure vessels, process piping, petrochemical, construction, industrial, manufacturing,  marine, defence, transportation and power generation.

Contact LMATS to assist on your next project.