Austenitic, Duplex, Super-duplex stainless steels require adequate proportion of ferrite in the product to obtain acceptable corrosion resistance and strength and especially resistance to Stress Corrosion Cracking  (SCC).

Ferrite measureThe laboratory based destructive method such as microstructural analysis on the test specimen or sample obtained from the batch of the product or components provides statistical quality assurance.

In order to guarantee the acceptable ferrite content in the final product, ferrite measurements are performed on the actual product using Fisher ferritoscope MP30C.

Ferrite measurement using Fisher Ferritoscope is a non-destructive test method which assures the quality of the product without the need of expensive laboratory based destructive test methods.

The test is performed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, EXXON Mobil, ESSO Shell specification and laboratory based validated methods.

Experienced Metallurgist, Engineers and Technologist at LMATS provides accurate and reliable ferrite measurement on-site and in-situ products.