Site Map
Main Menu
- About LMATS
- Client Assistant
- Services
- Advanced NDT Solutions
- Drone Inspection and Testing
- LFET – Low Frequency Electromagnetic Technique
- GW LRUT Guided Wave Long Range Ultrasonic testing
- PEC Pulsed Eddy Current testing
- Advanced Heat Exchanger tube testing
- ECA Eddy Current Array
- EMAT Crawler (Thickness Measurement)
- ACFM - Alternating Current Field Measurement test
- ACPD - Alternating Current Potential Drop
- PAUT - Phased Array Ultrasonic testing
- TOFD Time Of Flight Diffraction
- CRT Computed Radiographic testing - NATA Accredited
- SRUT Short Range Ultrasonic testing
- Robotic SteerROVER Inspection
- IRIS - Internal Rotary Inspection system
- Product Quality Inspections
- Engineering and Third Party Inspections
- Risk Based Inspection (RBI)
- Condition Monitoring
- MDR & Conformity assessment for Pressure Equipment
- Crane Inspection
- Storage Tank Inspections
- Tank inspection tank settlement survey
- Pressure Equipment / Pressure Vessel Inspection (PVI)
- Owners Representation
- ISO 17020 Worldwide Inspectorate
- ISO 17020 Worldwide inspectorate of pipelines
- Naval & Maritime
- Fire Damage Assessment (Plant and Structures)
- Plant/Equipment Inspection and Certification
- Mechanical Testing
- Rail Slow Bend test - Welded Rail Joints
- Tensile test
- Proof Load Testing
- Compression test
- Shear test
- Torque / Torsion test
- Flexural / modulus of bend test
- Ductility / Bend test
- Coating bend test
- Weld fracture test
- Impact test
- Hardness test
- Portable Hardness Test
- Embrittlement test
- WaterJet Cutting
- Abrasive Testing
- Corrosion Testing
- Titanium Intergranular corrosion test
- Pitting corrosion resistance test
- Crevice corrosion resistance test
- Intergranular corrosion resistance test
- Nitric acid boiling test
- Accelerated Corrosion test
- Dezincification test on copper alloys
- Passivation confirmation test
- NACE Hydrogen Induced cracking
- Aluminium intergranular corrosion (NAMLT)
- Aluminium alloy exfoliation corrosion (ASSET)
- Weld Qualification
- Metallurgical Services
- Failure Analysis / Investigation
- Macroscopic Examination
- Metallography and Metallurgical Consulting
- Micro constituents counting
- Etch structure classification
- Case depth determination
- Graphite classification test
- Microscopic thickness measurement
- Grain size measurement
- Inclusion contents test
- Ferrite Measurement
- Non Destructive Testing
- Visual Inspection (VT) & Boroscopy
- Radiographic test (RT)
- Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
- Eddy Current Testing (ET)
- Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
- Dye Penetrant Testing (PT / DPI / LPI)
- Ferrite Measurement
- Leak Testing (LT)
- Heat exchanger tube leakage test
- Vacuum box test
- Vacuum tube leak inspection testing
- Hardness Testing
- Contamination Testing
- Hydrostatic Test Services
- Coatings, Sealants and Adhesives
- Pre Coating Inspection
- Mass Thickness Inspection
- Bond Adhesion testing
- Coating standards
- Wet Adhesion Test Soak test
- Holiday (Continuity) test on coatings
- Bond / Adhesion test
- Coating mass test
- Coating microstructure test
- Coating thickness test
- Aerospace Adhesives and Sealant Testing
- Failure investigation
- Industries served
- Chemical Testing
- Concrete & Ceramics
- Professional Services
- Standards interpretation
- I am told radiographic and ultrasonic won’t work on large fillet welds
- Can I get a NATA endorsed test report for Leeb hardness test?
- Can I get a NATA endorsed test report for Poldi hardness test?
- Can I get a NATA endorsed test report for Equotip hardness test?
- My products are manufactured overseas. They are tested by an overseas ILAC accredited NDT company is this the same as a NATA Certificate?
- What is the holding time for hydrostatic test as per ASME B31.3
- I have a NATA endorsed metals chemical analysis report issued by a mechanical testing laboratory who did not perform the chemical analysis. Is this report legitimate?
- Is overseas ILAC accreditation to ISO 17020 same as NATA accreditation to ISO 17025?
- What is the frequency of pressure vessel inspection?
- Can a butt weld procedure qualify fillet weld as per AS 3992?
- Is there any alternative to Radiography to detect reo bars in the concrete?
- Ultrasonic test on Fillet weld
- Advanced NDT Solutions
- Careers
- Contact Us
LMATS Services
LMATS advanced testing and inspection services include:
Advanced NDT - ECA Eddy Current Array test
Advanced NDT - PAUT Phased Array Ultrasonic test
Advanced NDT - TOFD Time of Flight Diffraction
Advanced NDT - LRUT Long Range Ultrasonics
NDT - Non-destructive testing - RT, UT, ET, MT, PT
Coatings Inspection - NACE
Risk Based Inspection (RBI)
Pressure Vessel Inspection (PVI) - AICIP & Conformity
Chemical Analysis
Third party Inspection & expert Witness
Quality Audit & NDT Level 3 services
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing
PMI - Positive Material Identification (XRF)
Weld (WPS / WPQR) Qualification
Mechanical Testing
Corrosion Resistance Testing
Metallurgical Services
Failure Investigation
Concrete Testing